Quality Clock & Watch Repairs
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Customer Testimonials

The shop is located in Fairport, New York. 
If you wish to bring your timepiece in, please call (585) 223-8530 for an appointment anytime between 9 AM to 5 PM, Monday through Friday.  Saturday hours are also available though not on a regular basis. 
If you are a local customer, pick-up and delivery can be arranged when it is convenient to you. 
If you are from out-of-town (anywhere else in the world), you can ship your item to me and after it is repaired, I will pack it securely and ship it back to you.  All shipping costs are USPS or equivalent and are added to your estimate. 

Workshop Hours: Monday - Friday 9am -5pm

ClockDocNY, 6 Sandpiper Hill, Fairport NY 14450